Saturday, October 07, 2006

What's your screenplay about? Better yet, your short (emphasis added) screenplay about? To this I challenge you readers of this weblog to create and write your own script of no less than 3 pages, especially to those who have never attempted such a feat. Many aspiring writers speak of the difficulties in cutting their teeth on feature-length scripts but struggle more with the short form.

So why is this? A feature-length must have a story and allow room for exposition, however good or bad the screenplay. A short doesn't necessary require a story, but must get its message across very quickly, whatever the sketch, stunt etc. Often, screenwriters will create scenarios or performance pieces they assume the public will pick up on. This is a bad assumption since writing is a solitary, though not always activity, forgetting that other people many not understand your way of thinking. Please keep this in mind and don't become a snob of being the "misunderstood artist", a very tired cliche reeking of self-indulgence.

Wanna find tools to inspire? No, you don't necessarily have to find your way into an obscure alleyway into some underground avante-garde movie house Look no further than your standard TV commericals. They get the point across in 30 seconds or less about selling you their product. But it is how they approach it through sketches and scenarios that packs a punch. Check out for well-made US propaganda shorts. Hilarious, albeit dated concepts that are nonetheless well written and directed.

If you are serious about attempting a short script, please post a message in the comment (no outlines or "I have an idea... blah blah blah) area about your completed screenplay and I may consider reading it. Get that great story on paper.

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